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Quality System Certification of ISO 9001:2015

We want to be sure that the entire organization complies with the best international standards, for that purpose we have attained the Quality System Certification of ISO 9001:2015.

Since 2017 Pecol is a certified supplier for Italian Navy – National Naval Armaments Directorate – Ministry of Defense

Pecol iqnet scad 09 apr 2027

Pecol iso 9001.2015 scad 09 apr 2027

In compliance with the standard ISO 9001:2015 for the following field(s) of activities for the following field(s) of activities design and construction of hydraulic, pneumatic and special plants for industry and shipbuilding.
Design and construction of cold rooms for shipbuilding. Trade of hydraulic and pneumatic components.


STAFF TRAINING is very important for us, it is our best investment to ensure good services and excellent products.
We want our employees to be competent and informed about the latest regulations, technological innovations and advanced equipment, and above all able to deal with emergencies.

For this reason, first aiders employees, as well as the fire-emergency personnel regularly attend refresher courses (Decree 81 of 09/04/2008 and Ministerial Decree 388/03).

Our staff is certified for non-destructive tests (UNI EN ISO 9712)IIS 2009 and for electrical installations, inspections and checks in potentionally explosive atmospheres.

On 2016 we have taken steps to train the personnel working on board for work in confined spaces (art.37-66-121 all.IV 3 D LGS 81/88 Presidential Decree 177/2011) and qualified staff working with refrigeration fluorinated gases (by Rina – reg. CE 303/2008 – cat.I), recorded in the appropriate section of the National Electronic Registry.

In the course of 2021, in response to the subsidy application submitted under Action 3.1.1 of the POR Liguria 2014-2020, our Company received financial support from the European Union for the implementation of an investment program aimed at reorganization and restructuring Company – Digitization, machinery, plants and intangible assets and accompaniment of corporate reorganization and restructuring processes “- Covid 19 Adjustment of production processes of SMEs.